Editor's Note: You will receive THREE Super Strong Magnets.
- ✔ VERSATILITY: Holds a wide variety of handguns/pistols including: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm & .45, Glock 26, 27, 30, 42, 43, P238, P938 Bodyguard, Beretta Nano, Springfield XDs & XDM, Sig Sauer, Kahr, Kimber Solo, Kel Tec, Walther, Bersa Thunder 380 Plus, Ruger LCR, LCP 380 & LCRx 38, Taurus TCP & PT111, SCCY CPX-II, 709 Slim, PT738 and Similar Sized Guns.
- ✔ PREMIUM QUALITY MAGNETS: We use only the highest quality neodymium magnets that are rated for 25 POUNDS EACH!!! Each magnet is rubber coated so you don\'t have to worry about scratching your firearm. Works with a variety of firearms in a wide range of configurations.
- ✔ EASY TO INSTALL IN HOME OR VEHICLE: Our magnets can be used just about anywhere! Your home, car, truck, safe, desk, office, table or just about anywhere you can think of.
- ✔ ALL FIREARMS: Can be used with pistols and long guns of all makes and models including: Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm, .40 & .45, Glock 26, Glock 27, Glock 30, Glock 42, Glock 43, P238, P938 Bodyguard, Beretta Nano, Springfield XDs & XDM, Sig Sauer, Kahr, Kimber Solo, Kel Tec, Walther, Bersa Thunder 380 Plus, Ruger LCR, LCP 380, & LCRx 38, Taurus TCP, 709 Slim, PT738 & PT111, SCCY CPX-II and Similar Sized Guns.
- ✔ CIRCULAR DESIGN: Our 1.25\'\' Diameter X .25\'\'H circular design allows you to mount this magnet just about anywhere! Includes self-tapping screws, adhesive backing and installation guidelines. Only use the adhesive for testing mounting locations. DO NOT USE THE ADHESIVE BACKING FOR PERMANENT MOUNT.