This Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Backpack offers a comfortable way to lug your gear around while conceal carrying a handgun for emergency scenarios. These Backpacks made by Red Rock Outdoor Gear contain MOLLE webbing platforms on the front of the bag and on the shoulder strap so that you can add pouches to seamlessly expand your loadout. For immediate deployment of this Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Bag, the main strap has a quick-release buckle so that you can drop your haul when the situation demands it. 600D polyester construction ensures your equipment is well-protected and that this bag can confidently handle harsh environments. With 9 liters of total storage, you have plenty of space to stash your binos, ammo, or survival kits to fully prepare for your next tactical mission. Ensure you have all the tools on hand for a successful operation by keeping them close by in this Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Pack.
Specifications for Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Backpack:
- Size: One Size
- Pack Application: Tactical
- Pack Loading: Top
- Application: Tactical
Features of Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Backpack:
- Ambidextrous shoulder strap
- Quick release buckle on main strap for rapid deployment
- On the go style carry handle
- Snap closure concealed carry sleeve on back panel
- Two external pockets for quick access to items
- Master compartment houses a slip pocket with touch-fastener closure
- Master compartment accommodates an iPad or other popular tablets
- MOLLE webbing platform on front and shoulder strap for adding pouches and gear
- 600D polyester construction
- Dimensions 8x11.5x5.5in
Package Contents:
- Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover Sling Backpack